
Today’s technology can make everything easy to find for the whole world. There’s a countless amount of social media platforms, which makes nothing private. Social media is a huge part of what new media has become today. Once something is uploaded on the internet, it stays their forever. Since everything is accessible, this brings up many issues of privacy and confidentiality. If you’re on social media, your life is no longer private. Users will try to fix their settings to have their post private as possible, but it’s more complicated as it seems. In “Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private,” Randi Zuckerberg shared a family photo only to her friends, but then finds the photo being posted by someone else on Twitter. She’s not the only one who becomes sensitive when private posts are being re-posted by strangers. Things are constantly being shared and re-shared, in one way or another. These settings on social media platforms can be tricky. In addition, platforms such as Facebook and Google are constantly logging information about users, and then this is being by advertisers. Just based on this, they can create a personality profile about the user. The biggest concern now is where to draw this line of privacy and what rights does a user have.



  1. Your digital footprint is becoming easier and easier to leave in today's technology due to the unprecedented ability by algorithms to detect our presence, monitor it and analyze it. It's absolutely creepy how good these companies are at analyzing who we are in the digital world, what are interests are and when to show us the best advertisements. When one can piece together our different footprints, he or she will be best able to understand who we are as a whole - which to be is scary. On top of this, because of the new found territory this is, there has been no legislation in helping us protect us digitally. The Zuckerberg story is just one of an infinite amount of privacy issues that currently haunt us and will continue to haunt us unless we take measures to protect it.


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