
In my experience at Baruch College, new media technologies have only been implemented in hybrid or online courses. It should be further implemented in face-to-face courses. Face-to-face classes struggle with time restraints, some courses can benefit of utilizing new media platforms. These platforms will provide more opportunities to have in depth and critical discussions. In addition, professors can use technology to provide more appropriate resources. For an example, some courses can benefit from wiki pages. This wiki page can include important topics and things to note. This can be a great tool that everyone can benefit from. Lectures take up most of a class session, new media platforms can provide students the opportunity to find their voice and truly grasp onto the information. In most cases, information goes from one ear to the next ear. Everyone is online, this could be a great to reach out to all students. 


  1. I agree, there is way too much technology out there for schools to not be implementing them and allowing for more creativity and innovation in their classrooms. This would be great for classes like Philosophy, wherein many students may be more hesitant to speak up due to lack of knowledge or just a general feeling of timidness. It is also great for the school, as it adapts to the new generations way of understanding and doing things.

  2. Yes, I totally agree with you. Throughout my time in Baruch, 90% of the time, professor only uses power point slides, without much interaction with students. Rarely do I see any interaction between professors and students This had created a lack of efficiency of learning by students. Through social media, students can have a better interaction with their classmates and with professors. Learning to me, is all about interaction. Interaction is what makes a class or school enjoyable. Since now days, every students have a smart phone that is linked to different social media platforms, it is extremely to build a better relationship through new media.


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