Blog Social Networking

          Social Networking/other technologies are being used for individuals to keep in touch, spread opinions/critics, create communities, creating connections, and so forth. In “How Obama Tapped into Social Networks’ Power,” David Carr explains how during the campaign, Obama used various social media platforms to connect with the people and the beat the odds of losing. The Obama campaign used social media to raise money, fight other campaigns, and push individuals to vote. Through technology, he created a network of supporters, who endorsed Obama by creating an online movement. Social Media became a conduit for many people to connect and engage with each other. In addition, social media platforms can raise awareness about errors or glitches in major business websites. In “Amazon Says Error Removed Listings,” Rich explains how Amazon’s catalog error caused thousands of books to lose their sales and challenging to find books while searching. This error was only brought up to attention because users spread the news through twitter and blogs. Although this was a mistake on Amazon, social media increased the awareness of this issue and forced Amazon to solve it.
              Since technology is at our fingertips, privacy has become a major issue on social media. In “Who Cares About Facebook Privacy? Students Do,” Parry illustrates how many young people manage their privacy settings. Many young adults are concerned what aspects of their life can be seen on social media, they are worried about the public attention. It’s almost close to impossible to having a discrete life because almost anything can be found on social media. In addition, individuals post so much, that it’s caused people to a have a lack of social skills. Too many individuals just rather look at social media, than have genuine conversations.
              Technology will continue to evolve as time goes on. Social Media platforms won’t really die out, but possibly there could be a creation of a newer networks. In addition, technology will just continue to be automated and many people will continue to take advantage. 



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